Kapodistriou 32, 104 32, Athens
Monday-Friday: 09:00 to 17:00
Online Appointment
Kapodistriou 32, 104 32, Athens
Monday-Friday: 09:00 to 17:00


Cockroach Disinfestation Services

Cockroaches are primitive insects that live in the tropics and only 1% of them is of some urban health interest. They are insects of the Swamp order. There are about 3,500 different species of cockroaches around the world. In Europe 150 species are mentioned, while in Greece 20.

Cockroach species

  • Blattella germanica
  • Loboptera decipiens decipiens
  • Capraiellus tamaninii
  • 4 species of the genus Ectobius
  • 9 species of the genus Phyllodromica
  • Supella longipalpa
  • Blatta orientalis
  • Polyphaga aegyptiaca
  • Psammoblatta curtipennis
  • Psammoblatta livida


Cockroaches are primitive insects that live in the tropics and only 1% of them is of some urban health interest. They are insects of the Swamp order. There are about 3,500 different species of cockroaches around the world. In Europe 150 species are mentioned, while in Greece 20.


Cockroaches usually live in the soil, in organic residues. However, there are species in the foliage of low plants and tree species that help pollinate flowers. There are also species that live near water and species that can withstand drought. Some species live in the nests of other animals. They mainly prefer the existence of water and generally use the appropriate shelters near food sources.
They are considered omnivorous, but prefer starchy and sugary foods and organic matter in decomposition. Some species can survive long periods without food and water.


It is noteworthy that these insects have the property of being more resistant when living in weightless conditions.
Their geographical distribution is global, with the exception of pole areas and altitudes above 2,000 meters, although a population of 5,639 meters was observed. Some species are endemic, others especially the species that coexist with humans represent a global spread, which is also expressed in the name “wanderer” of the genus Periplaneta.
Many organisms feed on cockroaches. All species try to escape by running or flying, while some tighten so close to the ground that the enemy does not reach the vulnerable underside of the body. Many species have glands that secrete repellents.
In western countries, the term “cockroach” is usually associated with unhealthy conditions. But this is not exactly the case. Unhealthy conditions may favor their development but the infestation by them should not be confused with the cleanliness of the space.
In other societies cockroaches are part of human food and are used as experimental animals in science.


An important role of cockroaches is that they can be a danger to public health. Some species live in homes and are potential carriers of disease. During the day they hide behind objects or between furniture and walls, in cracks between bricks, under old wallpaper, in sewer pipes, etc. They spoil food and can spread pathogens. They can cause allergic reactions. They are usually controlled by humans using insecticides, but they often develop resistance to chemicals.

Disinfestation Now
Food spoilage
Allergic Reactions
Disease Carriers

They can pose a risk to public health

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Πέρα από αυτές τις ιδιαίτερες περιπτώσεις ο πιο σπουδαίος ρόλος των κατσαρίδων είναι πως μπορούν να αποτελούν κίνδυνο για την δημόσια υγεία. Μερικά είδη ζουν σε σπίτια και είναι πιθανοί φορείς ασθενειών. Τα είδη τα οποία συναντούμε σε διάφορους χώρους, την ημέρα κρύβονται πίσω από αντικείμενα ή μεταξύ επίπλων και τοίχων, σε ρωγμές μεταξύ τούβλων, κάτω από παλιές ταπετσαρίες, στις σωλήνες αποχέτευσης κ.λ.. Αλλοιώνουν τα τρόφιμα και μπορούν να διαδίδουν παθογόνους οργανισμούς. Επίσης μπορούν να προκαλούν αλλεργικές αντιδράσεις. Η καταπολέμηση τους από τον άνθρωπο γίνεται συνήθως με τη χρήση εντομοκτόνων, ωστόσο συχνά αναπτύσσουν ανθεκτικότητα ενάντια στα χημικά.

Protecting Our Environment
Παθογόνοι Οργανισμοί
Αλλοίωση Τροφίμων
Φορείς Ασθενειών

Μπορούν να αποτελούν κίνδυνο για την δημόσια υγεία